We supply your backpack, sleeping bag, pad, and tent. You need to have a sturdy pair of hiking shoes, good wool/synthetic socks, a rain jacket and pants and synthetic or wool insulating layers, including a hat and gloves. We can assist you with clothing selection and advice. We send all of our clients a detailed equipment list so that you have ample time to prepare and don’t purchase needless items. …
What’s the food like?
We provide tasty, nutritious meals that don’t weigh too much to carry, spoil easily, or attract animals. Typical breakfasts on the trail are hot and cold cereals with dried fruits and nuts, lunches are generally cheese, dried meats, bagels and spreads, and dinners are hearty meals like pastas, beans and rice, soups, hot drinks and dessert. We cook all of our food and add fresh produce, fruits and veggies. …
What about bears?
Bears, both black and grizzly, are a part of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem that extends from western Wyoming to eastern Idaho and southwestern Montana. Grizzly bears are most commonly found in Yellowstone National Park and the northern reaches of Grand Teton National Park. The areas in which we backpack lie further south, where black bears are seen but grizzlies are rarely sighted. Because we hike and camp in bear habitat, we take all of the …